82% of the domestic population between the ages of 15-59 are smartphone users. Most of them are also connected to the Internet. The smartphone industry is responding to this with an increasing variety of devices and the competitive pressure is high.
For the advertising industry, the constant presence of Internet-enabled smartphones offers a valuable opportunity for customer contact. According to a study by statista.com, the consumption of mobile data in 2019 was higher than ever before. The industry is its own growth driver and the device is constantly linked to the outside world. From the point of view of advertisers, it therefore makes sense to use this communication channel. However, it is possible to quickly overshoot the mark.
Since the smartphone can and will be used in almost every imaginable situation, it has become an intimate and personal object of action. Bad or misplaced advertising can then quickly lead to failure.
Mobile advertising must set itself apart
Incoherent advertising always involves high risks and dangers. avertising must be targeted location-based or target group-based. In addition, good advertising is no longer static, but adapts flexibly to the environment in the best case. Thus, different contents can be presented depending on the day/season. For this purpose, the way to the customer's smartphone must be found. The right media mix is what counts.
Currently, there are various possibilities to achieve this goal. The iBeacon technology automatically provides information on the smartphone depending on the location. Well-known examples are QR codes and NFC tags. NFC tags in particular offer an effective combination of flexibility and interactivity, which researchers see as having a very high potential, especially with the current advertising overload.
As a marketing instrument, mobile advertising must distinguish itself through its technical potential.
A common practice is the use of location-based user data. But also the provision of scannable surfaces that link to advertising content has a great sales potential.
Fortunately, more and more ticket vending machines, mobile payment systems and other technologies are becoming part of our everyday life, so that physical interaction with the smartphone is becoming more and more common. The bridge over the mobile phone is becoming more and more accessible.
Personalized mobile advertising
Why not go one step further and offer every user more personalized advertising? NFC tags are fixed, but their linking is flexible and dynamic. This means that different information can be presented with each scan - depending on the smartphone manufacturer, scan time and location of the scan.
Think the other way round: It is also possible to place advertising in a certain location that refers to real objects: products that are to be scanned in the vicinity. A conceivable application would be in a shopping centre. Here the smartphone can also serve as an extension, for example when NFC tags are placed on price tags, which in turn redirect to a product page or ingredients. This way, the advertising material has landed on the smartphone through intentional user interaction and can be viewed there for as long as desired.
With NFC tags placement on offline media, e.g. a poster, tickets, admission tickets or countless other application areas, we know and from NFC21-Smart.
We offer you completely individual NFC tags, which you can use and link at your own discretion. You tell us what you need and present us your landing page, we do the rest including providing all statistics and insights.
Talk to us, we are happy to develop a solution for you.
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